Best Academies To Learn Self Defense In Bucharest Near Me

Tedi Combat Team Kickbox Muay Thai Kempo Wu Shu MMA Grappling Bjj No GI TAS - Martial Arts, Kickbox, MMA, Fitness WDKF Wudang Kung Fu Bucharest Rio Grappling Club Romania Combatant MMA Club Absoluto UNIRII AISB SCHOOL PRINCE GYM K-1 Sala MMA Sector 6, Bucuresti. Instructor K1, Kickboxing Bucharest Christian Academy Cambridge School of Bucharest Military Technical Academy Ferdinand I SAS Gym Drumul Taberei Jad Wushu Kung-Fu Absoluto COTROCENI Bucharest University of Economic Studies

1. Scoala Bukan de Krav Maga - Tineretului Dojo - Sector 3

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· 99 reviews

Strada Tăbăcarilor 7, București 030167, Romania

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Scoala Bukan de Krav Maga - Tineretului Dojo: what do users think?
Àlex Escofet: A few months ago I went to Scoala Bukan de Krav Maga Bucuresti and even if I didn't take classes for a lot of time I highly recommend this dojo even if you are living in Romania for a short period of time and you don't speak the language, as it was in my case. Sorin, the teacher of the dojo translated all the class even if I was the only one that couldn't speak Romanian and I have to say that I felt extremely welcomed and integrated in the dojo.Apart from that Krav Maga is a martial art that trains your body condition and has proved to be very useful in many circumstances. If you are an outsider that wants to do some sport and learn self defence Scoala Bukan is the place to go.
Raluca Țurcanașu: Recomand mai mult de 100% :) Sorin, alături de Andreea, Florina sau alți colegi, este foarte atent cum executăm cu toții mișcările, și nu în ceea ce ține de fizic cât și de mental. Krav Maga este despre a fi pregătit în orice moment, să-ți antrenezi reflexele fizice și, poate mai ales, mentale, și a evita mai întâi conflictul, înainte de a aplica o lovitură tip Mortal Kombat. Ca persoana de 1.61m, mi se pare cea mai potrivită autoapărare. Cu centura galbenă, am văzut deja că anumite prize sunt eficiente și cu bărbați de 1.90. Importantă e execuția corectă, nu forța.Be good enough not to kill! (atât uman, cât și tehnic!)Nu pot spune cât de mult m-a ajutat faptul că am mers de două ori pe săptămână la Dojo la Sorin!
Laurentiu Giusca: Am descoperit această disciplină sportivă in momentul in care doream să-mi îmbunătățesc postura și mobilitatea. Ca orice tip comod am întrebat un prieten ce “tratament” îmi recomandă. Așa am ajuns la școala Bukan - Krav Maga - Tineretului Dojo, unde el deține centura portocalie…Încă de la primele antrenamente am realizat că, pe lângă regulile specifice unui sport de autoapărare, Krav Maga are propria filozofie si este o artă. Filozofia acestui stil de luptă este de a îmbina intr-un mod eficient proceduri din mai multe sporturi de contact și autoapărare.In timpul sesiunilor de pregătire nu realizezi cum trece timpul!Locația lasă de dorit, dar atmosfera de lucru și sentimentul pe care ți-l dă contactul cu tatami compensează acest neajuns și te determină să te gândești la scopul pentru care ești acolo, nu la condițiile de lucru. Până la urmă, intr-o situație de conflict, nu te afli neaparăt intr-o locație de 4 stele…Permanent învățăm proceduri noi și repetăm la infinit ceea ce am învățat deja, astfel încât, o mișcare de autoapărare să devină reflex intr-o situație reală.Odată cu trecerea timpului și diversificarea procedeelor, pe lângă controlul mișcărilor și creșterea mobilității, mi-a crescut încrederea in mine si acest sentiment m-a motivat să merg mai departe.Motivarea vine și de la principalul actor al școlii Krav Maga - Tineretului Dojo - instructorul nostru, Sorin Matei, pe care-l apreciez și-i mulțumesc pentru ceea ce ne învață si pentru că are harul de a ne transmite acest microb.Recomand să încercați Krav Maga - și nu veți regreta!
Ada Cioroianu: Am ajuns la dojo-ul din Tineretului din intamplare, cu o prietena care nici macar nu locuia in Bucuresti. Nici nu stiam prea bine ce presupune Krav Maga si ce urma sa-nvat. Am mers fara asteptari, pentru experienta unui curs de proba. Pentru ca treceam printr-o perioada in care aveam nevoie de mai multa vitalitate, sesiunea m-a energizat si am continuat sa merg. A fost cel mai bun lucru pe care l-as fi putut face pentru mine atunci!Pe langa exercitiul fizic pe care-l presupune si care vrand-nevrand iti lucreaza corpul, mi se pare o practica ce te imputerniceste, mai ales ca femeie. A ajuns sa mi se para esential sa stii macar unele tehnici de baza din Krav Maga. Pe langa asta, incepi sa lucrezi (si nu doar cand esti pe tatami) la disciplina, la skill. Ajungi la o constientizare mai mare a corpului, a fragilitatii, dar si a puterii sale inerente.Sorin Matei este un sensei cum rar vei intalni; este de o daruire si o atentie care te motiveaza, te incarca de energie. Iar dojo-ul din Tineretului nu este doar o sala de sport, ci o comunitate de o coeziune ce o remarci inca de la prima lectie. Te simti integrat unei echipe, simti ca ai suport, ca poti lega prietenii.Recomand acest loc tuturor cele ce cauta sa includa in rutina lor ceva semnificativ. Se cere dedicatie si perseverenta, dar daca locuiesti in Bucuresti full-time si esti deschis, activ, jovial si curios, te provoc sa incerci cursurile de Krav Maga cu Sorin Matei! O sa te transforme!
Octavian Farcasi: Dorinta de a face un sport de contact si a invata tehnici de autoaparare m-a adus la Scoala Bukan de Krav Maga. Aici am facut cunostinta cu instructorul Sorin Matei, un om pasionat de ceea ce face si dornic sa te ajute. Se asigura mereu ca elevii lui sa invete tehnicile in mod corect, nelasand loc de greseli. Atmosfera din sala este una placuta si primitoare, bazandu-se pe respect si disciplina, calitati pe care chiar daca nu le ai, le vei invata pe parcurs. Inca de la prima sedinta mi-a placut si am vrut sa continui. Recomand cu incredere.
Oana S: Have you ever wondered where is the perfect place to practice krav maga?I sure did, and I found an answer to my question.I was looking for a dojo as my son requested and I found Bukan school of Krav Maga Bucharest - Dojo Tineretului and Sorin. One thing led to another and we both ended up barefoot on the tatami.I have found myself in a friendly environment with a supportive community and an excellet teacher, Sorin.He guides us with calm , patience and wisdom not only to learn defense techniques but also to learn discipline, self control and to be aware of our surroundings.Just give it a try and you will discover that you can do more than you thought you could and that you have the ability and strength to overcome your limits.
Adrian Savin: Am început sa urmez școala Bukan de Krav Maga București Tineretului acum câteva luni, știind ca e un loc special unde poți învața lucruri deosebite și uneori neașteptate, pe care nu le poți învața niciunde. Iar așteptările mi-au fost mai mult decât confirmate. Spre exemplu în Krav Maga exista o întreaga școală a căderii, cu accent pe școală. Nicăieri și nimeni în viață nu te învață un lucru aparent simplu și anume cum sa cazi fără sa te accidentezi. Iar acest lucru poate fi foarte util la orice vârsta și în multe situații neprevăzute.Apoi în Krav Maga exista un set de principii care pot foarte bine sa tina loc de reguli de viață. De exemplu regula ca în Krav Maga faci ce poți, dar încerci sa faci corect și fara scurtături. Sau ideea ca mediocritatea e cel mai mare dușman personal. Da, la Krav Maga se invata si multe tehnici de autoapărare foarte practice și utile nu doar pentru protecția personală dar și pentru cei din jurul nostru, ideea de baza fiind eficienta maxima.Instructor Sorin Matei e un profesor foarte bun de tehnici Krav Maga dar e și un mentor personal atunci când lucrurile nu merg bine. E un alt lucru care contează foarte mult atunci când iti propui sa te alături școlii de Krav Maga Tineretului, sa participi și sa înveți lucruri noi antrenament de antrenament. Pe scurt, merita mult, mai mult decât te aștepți la început.
Ioan Starciuc: I came to this school thanks to the reviews and I was very surprised by the pleasant training environment, but also by the small community that was formed.I recommend it for the way the martial arts initiation is done, the pragmatism with which you go through the lessons, for the people and for the organized outings.
Mirela Neculai: I strongly recommend the Krav Maga course from the Youth Dojo, instructor Sorin Matei.The instructor Sorin Matei is excellent, explaining the exercises in detail, he has a lot of patience and the atmosphere is friendly.
Elvira Fuentes-Guerra Toral: La scoala Bukan. Fue mi primer contacto con las artes marciales y desde entonces no he podido parar.Llegaba muy asustada y con serias dudas, pero fue tocar el tatami y ser recibida por la clase y en especial Sorin me hizo sentir tranquila en un instante.Me sorprendió el cuidado que ponían en que todo el mundo comprendiese; más mayores y más jóvenes, chicas y chicos, adaptando las técnicas a las capacidades de cada una.Fueron pocos meses pero enseguida aprendí las bases y mi cuerpo y mi mente se fueron haciendo fuertes.Los compañeros fueron super respetuosos y amables en todo momento, ayudándome a aprender las técnicas lo más rápido posible y el lugar estaba muy accesible y limpio siempre.Las técnicas eran explicadas desde la base, haciendo el aprendizaje progresivo y fácil de aprender. En poco tiempo notas sus resultados.En definitiva recomiendo enormemente a Sorin y su escuela, que consiguieron hacerme sentir fuerte y segura de mi misma en un momento tan importante para mi.Siempre me acordaré de aquellos meses introductorios a las artes marciales y que me han hecho crecer tanto.Realmente uno de los sitios a los que acudir en Bucuresti
Andreea Rosetti: si sala.(Translated by Google
Nicoleta Constantin: , nu dupa ceas, oameni interesanti, povesti frumoase, veselie, activitati recreative, dupa cum permite orarul fiecarui participant - asta am aflat la Scoala Bukan de Krav Maga, dojo-ul din Tineretului. Fiul meu, care avea ceva experienta sportiva, respectiv sapte ani de karate traditional, a descoperit o pasiune pentru krav-maga. Multumim, Sorin Matei ca, atat de firesc, cu atata naturalete si daruire, faci posibil ca lucrurile acestea sa se intample.(Translated by Google
Stefan Filimon: Excellent atmosphere, techniques taught correctly and simply.
Lucian: I recommend! Being a self-defense technique, I think I made the best choice for my daughter. The courses are for all age groups!
Ovidiu Popa: If you want to get to know yourself better, especially from a mental-emotional point of view, I recommend you give the Bukan school a chance. It's a different school, where Sorin, the coach, knows how to gather cool people and make the training sessions so pleasant that you want to come the next day. I discovered this school completely by chance and even to this day it gives me the motivation to move on, to wake up in the morning and be aware of everything that is happening around me. It deserves a try!
Liuba Grecea: An interesting experience. recommend
Cristina Sari: I found the dojo by accident last summer and I can say that it was a wonderful experience that helped me to be calmer and in control of myself. Now I can say that I walk more confidently on the street!I really liked the vibe I found was not just a martial arts class but a family.I can't wait to go back in the summer!
Alexandru Bratu: I initially went to Krav Maga to start a new hobby, but I had more than that by meeting Sorin Matei.From a technical point of view, he is an excellent instructor, with precise explanations and focused on the most important details, in order to learn new techniques as easily as possible.However, the most important is the environment he managed to create with the groups he works with, more precisely a warm, welcoming and friendly one. In addition, various outings are organized quite frequently within the group, to the mountains for hiking, to the sea or in the city for various activities.I recommend with all my heart!^^
Radu: For me, the fact that I discovered Krav Maga and Bukan Youth School was an important step in organizing sports activities. I'm glad I made the choice because at the dojo I met quality people and a pleasant and motivated environment. I like it and it gives me confidence in my own strength, it makes me constantly improve myself. The joy of every success in training makes me want to learn more and follow the example of Sorin the krav maga super trainer! A big surprise was also the extra activities: climbing trips, etc. For me choosing krag maga was the best! Thank you, Sorin! Thank you School Bukan se Krav Maga! I recommend with confidence!
Vlad Bibire: I started the self-defense course with zero expectations. Soon, however, I understood that it was one of the most beneficial decisions I made.Although it was my first contact with a martial art, Sorin from Dojo Tineretului was truly the most patient, indulgent and understanding teacher, something that made me love and take self-defense seriously.Shortly after starting, I noticed that we didn't just have colleagues at the Dojo, but we were a community in every sense, curious about each other, eager to spend time with each other, even if the fields of activity were very diverse.Looking back, I have evolved physically, mentally and spiritually and I realize that if the location of the Dojo were to change, I would still follow Sorin for his proven skills.
Alexandru Cioplea: Krav Maga is a very exciting experience together with Sorin Matei at the Youth dojo. Sorin is an excellent trainer with a deep understanding of self defense techniques. During training, I learned how to defend myself using practical techniques and moves. The atmosphere in the dojo was positive and I felt encouraged to push my limits and learn new skills. I would highly recommend to anyone interested in learning self defense.

2. Tedi Combat Team Kickbox Muay Thai Kempo Wu Shu MMA Grappling Bjj No GI - Sector 4



· 43 reviews

Strada Gheorghe Condurache 18, București 077160, Romania

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Tedi Combat Team Kickbox Muay Thai Kempo Wu Shu MMA Grappling Bjj No GI: what do users think?
Alex Mr: I recommend, I had a cool experience. Our trainer is a super man!
Alexander B: The best place to be if u want to learn this lifestyle!
David: I recommend. A hall with a great atmosphere and qualified staff.
Serban Dumitrel-Alexandru: Very well equipped gym, professional and patient trainers and a very, very friendly team. I strongly recommend !
Razvan Rujoiu: Gym is very well equipped and very clean. The instructor explains very well and has a lot of patience. People there are nice and welcoming. I highly recommend this gym.
Nobody Ziegler: He beat Mircea Badea!!!!
eduard preda: I strongly recommend going to Tedi!
Stefan Chiper: I went to their training for a few times and that's all I needed, my elbows, shoulders and wrists hurt from those gloves you put on your fingers, they're no good, they teach you some combinations that you don't understand, but you have to to attack with your foot, but then you have to defend yourself as he attacks the other, the spell that you don't understand anything, last week instead of going to work to bring food, I went to the orthopedist
Alex Nicola: The best!!!
Nicole Nicolee: Serious coaches with great experience and a wonderful team. Nico will kiss you guys 💋
War Eternal: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️SPARING 😍😍😍 You will definitely have fun here 🤭 Boom 🥊 Boom 🥊 . Thanks to my coaches Tedi and Bogdan 💪🏻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
ghinea robert: I recommend with confidence!
Vlad Tanase: Force!
Dumitru Catalin: The best in town !
Mirey Na: I recommend!Both for beginners and advanced. The coaches are trained and talented, it is a beneficial environment for children; even for girls, if you are serious and want to learn something new, it is the ideal place. The team is superb and the first training was free!Adrian, you should be ashamed of yourself for this review, you were treated as you should and you were offered everything you asked for, you are ungrateful, your comment is malicious and your grammar and behavior leave much to be desired... PS: Muay Thai is also practiced here*
Andrei Stancu: Best in town! 👊💪
Mihai Trifanescu: Super echipa si super atmosfera!
Neag Daniel: o atmosfera superba, colectiv bun, antrenor cu experienta si un caracter deosebit, antrenamente serioase, recomand cu toata inima !, OSS 🥋
Irina Nastase: Recomand!
Klefthoof Robert: Super antrenori, sala foarte curata cu toate necesitatile pentru invatarea si aplicarea artelor martiale. Recomand!
Botez Bogdan: Este sala perfecta. Recomand cu toata placerea !

3. TAS - Martial Arts, Kickbox, MMA, Fitness - Sector 4

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Șoseaua Berceni 8, București 042092, Romania

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TAS - Martial Arts, Kickbox, MMA, Fitness: what do users think?
Mihnea KTMS: Positive:Professionalism
0Ic3Cub30: It's not a hall, it's a school.A school where the coach is an exceptional teacher. Patient and totally dedicated.It is not a dozen school with many employees, but it is a place where soul and passion have been put.From here you leave with new discipline, knowledge and skills. A special, welcoming place where you go with pleasure.It is not a place for pride and arrogance. Patience and respect are key in this location.If you want something special, this is the ideal place.
Alexandra Petrusel: Professionalism and dedication.
Dorel Dinca: . Inca din 2017 frecventez sala de antrenament de la TAS. Cei mici învață ce înseamnă disciplina și lucrul in echipă. De asemenea, acest tip de antrenament ii ajută sa se dezvolte armonios și sa ia decizii. După proverbul "omul sfințește locul", aici antrenorul este într-adevăr special și este foarte atent cu elevii săi. La antrenament am venit întâi eu, apoi mi-am adus soția, copilul și ulterior am mai adus și încă câțiva prieteni. :

4. Scoala de Jiu Jitsu Modern by Atos Jiu Jitsu Romania - Sector 1

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Strada Smaranda Brăescu 56, București 014206, Romania

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Scoala de Jiu Jitsu Modern by Atos Jiu Jitsu Romania: what do users think?
Tudor Cobalas: Top top top, super scoala, super oameni, super sport.
Dylan GR VM: Terrible place. i don’t recommend for anyone from abroad visiting this gym. A lot of ego and when you come just to drop in and train, for some reason, you need to first call the owner and rhey’ll just send you away.
Gurkan Kaya: A very friendly and welcoming place. The classes are in English and Romanian. Good people, very comfortable dressing area..
Vladimir Stoianoff: Locul acesta este super tare
Andrei Cristian: This academy is far and away the best academy that I have ever been to. The instructors are very technical, they explain moves with incredible detail, they are patient and just all-around genuinely great guys. The mat space is always sparkling clean, they have great facilities (laundry services for Gis), great schedule, and everyone is super friendly. To sum it up for you, this is Jiu Jitsu heaven.
Gabi Pirjolescu: De departe cel mai neprietenos dojo de jiu jitsu la care am fost intr-un an si jumatate de cand practic acest sport (in diferite tari). Nu comentez experienta mea pe saltea, pentru ca nu am ajuns pana acolo, insa voi povesti cum s-au incapatanat sa nu ma lase sa ma antrenez intr-o sambata dimineata.De cum am ajuns i-am explicat fetei de la receptie ca practic deja jiu jitsu (in afara tarii), am venit in vacanta in Romania si as vrea sa fac o clasa la ei la sala. Mi-a spus sa ma schimb pentru ca intarziasem deja 3 minute.Cand m-am intors de la vestiar imbracat, m-am intalnit cu antrenorul care mi-a spus ca trebuie sa semnez niste hartii si ca am gi-ul murdar (ceea ce era adevarat pentru ca ma antrenasem cu o seara inainte in alta parte) si nu pot sa intru asa pe saltea.Domnisoara de la receptie mi-a spus ca nu pot decat sa ma uit, pentru ca e prima clasa (trial). I-am mai explicat o data ca practic deja jiu jitsu si am venit ca drop-in. Am agreat cu ea sa-mi dea un gi curat de inchiriat si sa vorbeasca cu antrenorul sa-i explice situatia inca o data.In continuare antrenorul nu a fost de acord sa ma antrenez pe motiv ca nu am facut "programare" si el nu poate accepta asa ceva.Mi se pare absurd si lipsit de respect ca cineva care vine la tine la sala intr-o dimineata de sambata (la 8:30!!) sa nu fie lasat sa se antreneze din niste motive puerile. Si mai ales intr-un sport ca jiu jitsu care se bazeaza pe valori ca prietenia si formarea unor comunitati, nu pe valorile practicate la aceasta sala cu programari si gi-uri de inchiriat care par foarte orientate spre business si facut bani.NB: domnisoara de la receptie mi-a spus oricum ca nu se poate face programare pe site fara abonament si ar fi trebuit sa ii sun. Kafka, frate!
luci viro: O doamnă foarte drăguță pe care crezi că o cunoști ca pe o prietenă 😘🤗💐 Toți sunt niște oameni foarte drăguți și profi 👍🤗 O locație foarte curată cu oameni profesioniști! Felicitări!💯👍💐
Iroke Ottokaji: I have experienced several BJJ, TKD and judo gyms in my life and this one was one of the best so far. Professor share all of his knowledge with passion. Pin point lesson with reasons which helps your comprehension of skills. Along with this, it was very hygienic. Adios to smelly mats! Additionally, His teaching style was for everybody. Nobody left behind. I liked my experience in this gym.
UNIKATE: Positive:Communication,Professionalism,Value
Rufus Spiller: As you would expect from an Atos school the facilities are excellent, the staff are professional. Everything is beautifully clean and tidy. The team is welcoming and most of all the instruction from Mihai Handrea is thoughtful, modern and professional.I would throughly recommend.
negru alexandru: professionalism
stoea Catalin: Excellence in martial arts!
J the Funky Bear: One of the best experiences I've ever had ...and still having
The Postural Project: Best Jiu Jitsu gym in town! The coaching is epic!
Sebastian Bereczk: The facility is very clean and hygenic. Classes are mornings and evenings. The curriculum is cleanly structured with focus on technique and sparing for beginners and fundamentals. Great coaches, teaching in English and Romanian. Always welcoming non-member guests.
marketing personalizat (MM): only here are the best ones...great with kids and great coach jiu jitsu modern
Christoffer Hals: Great Jiu Jitsu school and very good instructor
Serban Liviu: This place is amazing and I say that not just because I fell in love with BJJ, but also because the way that the Coach here teaches you. He explains everything thoroughly, is very patient with every student and makes you see BJJ from your own perspective, from inside your body, what you can do with it and what are its limits. Other than that, the people who come here are very supportive and friendly, there is the feeling of being part of something, I strongly recommend this place for everyone who wants to give BJJ a try or who is in Bucharest for a few days and is looking for a place to keep up with his schedule.
Lorand Szasz: Superb
Terry Lecarre: Great location, awesome coaches and staff!Do drop by if you want to give Brazilian Jiu Jitsu a try, and I'm more than sure that you will keep doing for the rest of your life.It is never too late to achieve a new set of skills.

5. WDKF Wudang Kung Fu Bucharest - Sector 6

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· 3 reviews

Strada Economu Cezărescu 59, București, Romania

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WDKF Wudang Kung Fu Bucharest: what do users think?
Alexandru Cogalniceanu: OK for beginners too


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· 1 reviews

Calea Vitan 135, București 031284, Romania

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HANGUK TAEKWONDO: what do users think?
monica Dum: A club where sport without school is not possible. Congratulations to the coach and the children for the results achieved.👏
Cristian Pasol: Super club, great coach!
HANGUK TAEKWONDO: Positive:Communication,Professionalism,Quality

7. Rio Grappling Club Romania - Sector 4

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· 18 reviews

Calea Piscului 10, București, Romania

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Rio Grappling Club Romania: what do users think?
dinca elton: I recommend!!! Friendly atmosphere and strong workouts!
Vlad Cristea: I tested several gyms, but in Rio I found the most united group and the best development environment. I recommend with confidence
Eftimie Marius: Best place to train in town.
Vlad Teodorescu Bîrlă: It's one of those places where you walk in and you immediately know that this is what has been missing from your life all along. #BJJ is life! Trust me!
vlad cil: A wonderful, friendly team!! BJJ is a complex and special sport... besides the fact that you learn to defend yourself, you learn to respect your opponent! Only words of praise about RIO GRAPPLING CLUB!
Adi “Mind Blast” Je: I arrived here for the first time at a BJJ seminar, after a friend who goes regularly told me that it's interesting and that it doesn't wear you out like other contact sports.One day I took the time to go and, once I arrived, we met the coach, Florin and the other participants in the course. After the necessary warm-up, we started an interesting game with a ball on which we simulated an exercise to stop an opponent trying to take us down. Then, the coach explained to us some techniques that I thought were effective for a real fight, then he made us practice them and went to each one to explain to us in order to execute them as correctly as possible. At the end I did sparring and I didn't imagine that I could sweat so much in a few minutes, even though I was on the ground. A BJJ sparring is quite demanding both physically and intellectually, having to be very attentive to all the movements of the opponent and to the traps laid. I could compare it to a game of chess in which you try to get the best possible position and for that you prepare your ground, while countering the opponent's attacks. I liked it a lot, especially because it requires you from all points of view and because the physical wear and tear is not as great as in the case of contact sports. I recommend the practice of this sport.
Iustina Ambrono: Club super! Super team!
Bahus Yulian: Un Jiu Jitsu Brazilian de calitate, predat cu răbdare, inteles repede si dorind mai mult ! Recomand!
Vlad C: Un club la care am ajuns dupa multe alte incercari si unde am gasit o echipa adevarata, deschisa catre nevoile si particularitatile fiecarui nou venit. BJJ-ul este un ajutor extraordinar pt. autodezvoltare si pt. gasirea unei stari de echilibru iar RIO Grappling Club Romania are tot de iti poti dori de la un club/o echipa de bjj.
Razvan Iordache: O experienta mai mult decat placuta. Cu toate ca nu sunt un fan al sportului in general, prima lectie de bjj la care am participat, ca si test de a incerca ceva nou, a fost intr-adevar o noua experienta care mi-a trezit interesul de continua in aceasta directie. Cu siguranta voi continua. Recomand.
Cosmin Radulescu: I recently discovered Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and it turned into a real passion. This sport develops you physically by working every muscle in your body, it is full of fun and adrenaline in the fight and especially very cerebral, including several hundred techniques and procedures. And the instructor and colleagues from Rio Grappling - grade 10!
Mihai Vatafu: Vin de 1 an si 6 luni si nu am de gand sa ma opresc...Este extraordinar si recomand cu caldura..Este real si foarte aplicabil.
Petroman Daniel: Un club excelent cu antrenamente serioase si rezultate pe masura
Cristi Barbulescu: Antrementele sunt de calitate, stafful la fel, iar locatia dotata full!
Petrica Gatlan: Condiții foarte bune de desfășurare ale antrenamentelor,atmosfera senzationala,profesionalism,calitate!
George Floroiu: Super team, super class! I tried it once and never gave up. I like how it is taught and how you feel after training! Thank you!I recommend!

8. Combatant MMA Club - Sector 1

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Bulevardul Expoziției 2 in incinta Citroen, București 012103, Romania

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Combatant MMA Club: what do users think?
Ştefan Cucoş: Professional training and an attentive, disciplined and caring coach.The gym is well organized and has all the necessary equipment for intense training.The students are professional, attentive and caring, but at the same time hardworking and competitive.I recommend with great love and enthusiasm.
Alexandru Nicolae: Hello, do you also do boxing-style training, I was operated on for a herniated disc and I would like to do a contact sport to relax, thank you
Stefan Simion: I've been looking for a long time for a room to join, and the multitude of positive comments found here weighed heavily in making the decision.After 1 year of attending Mr. Florescu's classes, I can tell you that all the positive comments here are more than deserved.Personally, I consider him to be a perfect trainer and I have been pleasantly surprised many times by the patience he always shows and by the continuous interest given to all participants,regardless of whether they are looking to perform in sports or not. Every hour he visits each participant several times to show again if needed, help or correctsome procedure, which I doubt happens in many similar halls.I learned many practical things, principles, techniques and useful exercises, which can be applied in many circumstances, and the classes are not repetitive or boring.Come with confidence!Master, if you ever read this comment, I sincerely thank you for everything you taught me, and I wish God to give you much health and strength, to train as many generations as possible from now on.Respectfully,Stephen S.
kiko _5: (Translated by Google
Armando Pagani: we had the opportunity to training in the sparring day….good guys, beatiful place, and the best sensei in bucarest….thanks for this fantastic training
Alessandro Albani: beautiful and very formative experience.thank you very much, it was an honor to train with you
CesaIlRe: Really hospitable, kind gym.Very happy to have participated!Good and kind MMA fighters, we will glad to come back!
Stefan Vlad: Tiberiu Florescu is a superhero in the flesh! World-class coach, and the club reflects the quality he offers.I recommend this location with the utmost confidence, it is a place where you develop as you never thought you could.
nicolae georgescu: Best kickboxing and mma gym!
Nicolae Maria: The best time in my life was when I went to training at Combatant! If you want to feel good, look good and spend time with some great people, this is the right place!
Ygor Kostiucik: Best place & coach to maintain your Mind, Body & Spirit awake!
Claudiu Manea: It was one of the best things that happened during the pandemic period and not only, the period that started working from home, closing everything that means gyms, even parks at a given moment. I felt the effects of spending too much time at the computer and I still feel them. Good luck with Tibi's classes, to which, although sometimes I'm too tired, or I'm simply too lazy to attend them regularly :P, I still go after more than 8 years I think. I recommend it for anyone, beginner, advanced, fighter.
ionela misculescu: The best MMA club! And the best teacher - from whom you can learn not only impeccable fighting techniques, but also values: respect, courage, care, fairness, perseverance, good sense. Chapeau!👍
Petru Onos: Very good, effective training, experienced coach, I recommend it to everyone who wants to practice this sensational sport
Gabriel Alexandru: The best MMA club! 😃
Radu Mihai: An excellent kickboxing club. One of the things I appreciate the most here is the diversity of the workouts. After 3 months I can say that each training is different from the previous one.
Marian Turtoi: There isn't a day when I don't leave tired and satisfied with the training.Grade 10 trainer, no one escapes without learning something new.
Bogdan Grigoras: , clubul Kombatant ofera conditiile / dotarile optime pentru a putea realiza acest lucru. Profesionalismul antrenorului, pretul, dar si ambientul grupului completeaza mai departe criteriile neceare unei alegeri corecte.Tiberiu Florescu imbina cu success toate aceste criterii la un loc, astfel incat, cel putin pentru mine, el reprezinta alegerea ideala ca si antrenor de Kick Box si MMA.(Translated by Google
Lavinia Aurel: Amazing place to learn how to defend yourself, build confidence and discipline and even lose weight. As a woman, it can be scary deciding to join a kickboxing/MMA club, but the atmosphere here is professional and everyone is treated with respect. And all is owed to the instructor, Tiberiu Florescu. Each training session here builds a better version of yourself. I highly recommend it!
Cepes Maria: At Combatant, kickboxing/MMA training is extremely well combined with warm-up exercises, physical conditioning and the relaxed and friendly atmosphere in the gym. I like that Tibi explains in detail and in a way that everyone can understand each new technique that we learn, he is patient with beginners and does not let you go until he sees that you have caught the respective movement. In an hour and a half, sometimes even 2 hours, you work your whole body intensely, you improve your coordination, your balance, you forget about everyday worries. Personally, with each training that passes, I feel stronger and more confident in myself.
Gressio amorinov: Very professional and serious MMA club, probably the best in the country.

9. Absoluto UNIRII - Sector 4

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Splaiul Unirii 162, București, Romania

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Absoluto UNIRII: what do users think?
Newman J: I was visiting Bucharest from Montreal for work. This is a great gym. The teachers were very nice and knowledgeable. The training partners were very talented and safe. I will definitely stop by my next visit to Romania. Cheers.
Diaconescu Eusebiu: Cool
calin duba: "Fine!" It's the answer I get every time I ask, "How was Jiu Jitsu today?"After almost 1 year, the enthusiasm to go to training increased with each session!The coaches are very good at what they do!I recommend!
Andreitudor Braescu: The best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club in Romania! I recommend you try at least one workout, you will surely like it!
Andrei Solomon: The No. 1 bjj club in Bucharest.
J O: I had a great time at this gym, great instructors and probably the best facilities in Bucharest. Highly recommended.
Cristurean Bogdan: The best and titrated martial arts club in Romania.Friendly atmosphere, super coaches and civilized and professional conditions
Razvan Vasilachi: A good place to start learning bjj or martial arts, nice people and nice staff
Andrei Uta: Super!
Mariana: The best Kickboxing trainers! I recommend!
Marin Daniel: Super boys, super coaches, come to the movement!
Alex Dincovici: Best martial arts gym in town. Coaches, facilities, training, you couldn't ask for more
Raducanu Bogdan-Gabriel: Loved it!
Mihai Muscalu: Awesome place to train. Friendly environment, wether you're traveling or living in Bucharest you have to check this place out.
Oana Maria: Best place to learn jiu-jitsu, with nice and passionate teachers and a very friendly community
Jayemun: They practice mma,bjj and kickboxing. Nothing much to add,just an overall good experience.
Benjamin Ravaru: The best!
Nicoleta Minea: The trainers are professionals.
Ionut Stoica: I came back after the pandemic. More than 1 year break. I missed it so much. A very good atmosphere, training for children, of practically any age; and parents, they can train too.
Mirela Aronovici: The location is ok, the kids have a lot of fun, the coaches are super frendly
Ion Florea: OK!

10. AISB SCHOOL - Voluntari

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Bulevardul Pipera 196, Voluntari 077190, Romania

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AISB SCHOOL: what do users think?
Mihai Sitea: Very nice! It is an example for our state schools!
Bear With: 😎
Scott Hopper: Not a fan of this school.
Tymon Danielewicz: i hate this place
Calimanescu Ciprian: UNFORTUNATELY, I was not admitted because I do not speak the language of George Washington, American. I saw that only Americans are here, many from New York, others from Los Angeles and others from Las Begas or whatever.
Dumitru George: Cfff beautiful....and luxurious....
Dr F C Deliu: Quite possibly the worst private school on the area. Their online classes are less than an hour a day, insufficient time is spent on learning and the administration is quite poor, and instead send endless amounts of email to give the impression they are working hard when in fact the teachers are hardly working. Every parent (dozens) I have spoken to is unhappy with the school, but it has the brand name and lives off that, but this past year it was exposed with its incompetence in handling the pandemic and many families have finally transferred, as have we and we could not be happier with our new school that actually places the children above profits.
Stefan Andries: Decent
Rares Grecu: Subpar service.
Guy Rorlich: Worst international school in Bucharest, they care only about money but not your kids. Run away it is my advice...
Chocookie: pay 2 win
Kàroly Borbély: Best school in town :)
Dixi Dixie: Is this school still open? I tried calling them, emailed answer.We were thinking of moving from US to Romania. Now I would be afraid to put my kid in a school you can't get in contact with. Disappointing..
Ivano: A very safe, school, but needs to work on the teachers
viorel calin: Beautiful and good for children
Adina Eugenia Popa: A wonderful school!
Elsa Lindelof: me and eric went here
adrian atanasiu: Best school Campus in Bucharest
Mariana Leafa: Interesting, pleasant, attractive
Stefan Popescu: nice and civilized people
Petre Ilie: Super

11. PRINCE GYM K-1 Sala MMA Sector 6, Bucuresti. Instructor K1, Kickboxing - Sector 6

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Bulevardul Iuliu Maniu nr.304, București 061127, Romania

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12. Bucharest Christian Academy - Sector 3

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Aleea Mizil 62 B, București 032347, Romania

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13. Cambridge School of Bucharest - Voluntari

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Strada Erou Iancu Nicolae 126C, Voluntari 077190, Romania

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14. Military Technical Academy Ferdinand I - Sector 5

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Bulevardul George Coșbuc 39-49, București 050141, Romania

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15. Respect Gym - Sector 6

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Spl. Independentei, 319, Bucuresti-Sector 6, Bucuresti, 060044, București, Romania

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16. SAS Gym Drumul Taberei - Sector 5

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Drumul Taberei 89B, București 061372, Romania

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17. Jad Wushu Kung-Fu - Sector 3

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Bulevardul Basarabia 37-39, București 022114, Romania

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18. Clubul Sportiv AGON - Sector 1

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Calea Crângași nr. 87, București 060334, Romania

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19. Absoluto COTROCENI - Sector 5

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Șoseaua Panduri 71, București 050656, Romania

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20. Bucharest University of Economic Studies - Sector 1

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Piața Romană 6, București 010374, Romania

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