Best Gestalt Therapies In Bucharest Near Me

Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism Cabinet Individual de Psihologie Anca Maftei Clinica Alegria Hyperion University National University of Physical Education and Sport Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University Titu Maiorescu University Success Academy Romania Accenture

1. Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center - Sector 1

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· 27 reviews

Strada Naum Râmniceanu 23, București, Romania

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Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center: what do users think?
Ion Ion: Hello, I also read reviews before going to see the doctor and I was skeptical, not knowing if it would work in my case, but the therapy sessions were very useful. I flew alone, something that seemed impossible to me, and I largely managed to control my emotions through the techniques I learned. I have already planned the second vacation in which I will go by plane. Thank you
Roxana Totir: I started the therapy for the fear of flying not being completely convinced that the simulation in VR will help a lot in reality, but to my surprise it really worked. At first it was difficult and as soon as I found out that at the end of the sessions I had to take a flight alone, I didn't think I would ever succeed. Instead, I was surprised that the experience was not as bad as I expected, and I even managed to be relaxed, as I was in VR. I am very grateful to Nadia for the way of working and the trust she instilled in me.
Ana Maria: , ca lipsa de experienta clinica a doamnei Gorduza e vizibila, ca interactiunea e mai mult decat superficiala (aceasta lovindu-se de comportamentele manifestate si neincercand sa inteleaga fondul
Florin Enceanu: I started counseling for the fear of flying, telling Mrs. Gorduza that I don't believe in this story, to overcome this fear through a VR therapy. As one is the real flight and the other is a simulation.How did everything go on?First of all, he won my trust from day one, thanks to his experience and the way he approaches everything. The dance training as a doctor and the accreditations obtained in Italy and the USA were fully felt.Then, after I finished the last module, I also took part in the first flight, a flight in which the sensations experienced were exactly like those in the simulation. No panic attacks or any notable problems. This after a year ago, just passing by the airport and imagining myself in a plane, made me feel terrible, thinking then that I would never fly.I recommend with all confidence to all people who suffer from aerophobia.
Marius Niculae: There are very few people who mark your life! For me, Nadia is one of them. After 8 years of seeing the world only from friends' vacation pictures, I succeeded!I flew to Tenerife, 6 hours, with my family, without any problem. If before I was only afraid when I thought I would buy the plane tickets, now I don't have any problem.You are doing wonderful things and thanks to the techniques I learned I was able to get over this block!Thank you Nadia! 🙏🙏🙏
adrian marin: Hello! Although I was skeptical about VR because I thought it wouldn't be able to simulate flight, I was pleasantly surprised to find out, even from the first sessions, that it places you exactly where you need to be: in the plane.😁The experience is amazing! Each element of VR activates your body's defense mechanism, which, during the sessions, accustoms you to what flying an airplane will mean. And not a hectic flight, but even a quiet one full of joy that you manage to overcome the moments that I thought were tense.Ms. Gorduza Nadia: Hats off! A man with limitless patience and special training. He knew at each stage which "buttons" to press to make me gain confidence that everything will be fine during the flight. And so it was.I highly recommend the program!Congratulations and thank you madam!Dear friends, trust that you can fly peacefully after this program!
Tania Dimache: Nadia helped me and my partner rediscover ourselves, and our relationship and brought us closer since we were both on auto-pilot for a while. We remembered why we love each other and why we are partners. The therapy and the work that we did during the sessions (exercises, discussions, questionnaires) gave us the tools to overcome tense discussions and how to better navigate conflicts that appear in any relationship. Nadia is empathetic and very open-minded, I never felt judged or misunderstood I am happy that now I can listen better to my partner's needs, and I have more patience and understanding
Popovici Ovidiu: Learning to deal with my fear of flying has changed my life. Thank you Nadia Gorduza for the amazing Virtual Therapy program that you put together. For the first time I am truly able to enjoy traveling and hope that I will visit all of the amazing places i've dreamed about. I never thought I could go from terrible fear to almost no anxiety on a flight in such a short time. Not to mention...the things I learned about anxiety and the techniques mastered during the session...I am now using to deal with fear in all other areas of my life!
Irina Gaspar-Huthoff: I contacted Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center at the recommendation of a friend and I could not be more grateful for everything that happened since the first online meeting. Our work together facilitated a better understanding of my self and my partner and the whole process brought us closer together like never before. We have work to do, of course, however everything seems suddenly easier and very much achievable. Nadia Godruza is a true professional and she is very personable and emphatic at the same time. She made me feel safe and understood throughout the whole process and this helped md open up like never before. I would have no hesitation recommending Nadia and her services to anyone in need! It's not magic, it's science, and it helps!
teodor tuca: Multumesc doamnei doctor Nadia Gorduza pentru sedintele de terapie aplicata, foarte eficiente si cu rezultate deosebite in timp scurt.Exercitatiile invatate in timpul sedintelor cu dansa au fost de un real ajutor pentru mine si m-au invatat sa gestionez mult mai bine situatiile dificile si pe cele din afara zonei de confort.
Elena Luisa Niculescu: Buna dimineața! Multumesc mult d-nei dr pentru ajutorul oferit în atacurile de panica, nu m-am vindecat complet caci m -am oprit brusc din terapie in decembrie după aproape 3 luni în care un profesionist m-a învățat foarte multe lucruri, însă până astăzi nu au mai existat.......O voce minunata, pe care as asculta-o mereu ( am exercițiile de relaxare!), le puteți descarca de pe site-ul ID therapy.După îndelungi cautari și ani pierduți, am întâlnit un adevărat și de calitate OM, un PSIHOTerapeut!Multumesc!
Pop Roxana: Dacă doriți să vă verificați instinctul, intuiția, empatia, dacă aveți nevoie în profesia dvs să i înțelegeți pe ceilalți dincolo de ceea ce vor ei sa va transmită, va recomand cursul de face-reading cu dna. Dr Nadia Gorduza, care mie mi a schimbat radical modul de a i percepe pe cei din jur și chiar pe mine.Mulțumesc mult ID THERAPY BESPSPOKE TREATAMENT CENTER pentru tot ce am învățat și pt ca mi ați spus în repetate rânduri că "sunt bună" la asta 😊
Zsombor Vajda: Hi,Thank you very much Nadia for the support and help regarding my fear of flying. It's been over 20 years since I never flew and even until then, I was flying with serious panic attacks that just paralyzed me!What happened this year to me was a real miracle... I flew to Japan!!!I couldn’t believe that only after 10 sessions of therapy and exposure to virtual reality I will fly again!20 years ago I decided that I will not fly again.... and here I am. Flying and enjoying long-haul flights.Thnx Nadia
Vladut Neacsu: Am folosit serviciile acestei clinici pentru evaluare psihologică și terapie de cuplu prin metoda Gottman. Eu și soția mea am fost consiliați de către Nadia Gorduza într-o serie maraton de ședințe concentrate pe parcursul unei săptămâni.Am apelat la această soluție într-un moment în care simțeam că între noi apar conflicte mult prea des și că acestea puneau presiune din ce în ce mai mare pe relația noastră. Fiecare dintre noi a mai avut experiențe de coaching sau terapie individuală în trecut, iar acum am căutat ceva cât mai aplicat pe relații cu un suport de cercetare științifică cât se poate de solid.În primul rând, Nadia a fost un profesionist care ne-a ajutat să ne simțim confortabili și încrezători în tot acest proces. A înțeles bine dinamica noastră de cuplu, provocările noastre individuale și ne-a oferit explicații și soluții prin care să înțelegem mai clar situațiile și soluțiile pe care le avem la îndemână.În al doilea rând, metoda Gottman, însăși, este o abordare foarte pragmatică și logică în abordarea dificultăților dintr-un cuplu. Suportul de terapie a fost foarte util, relevant și cu un impact resimțit foarte rapid.În al treilea rând, dar cu la fel de multă importanță, vreau să menționez că suportul logistic oferit de Catălina, office manager, ne-a fost de mare ajutor în planificarea într-un timp destul de scurt a acestui tratament. Am reușit să setăm întâlniri și programări de la distanță, din afara țării.Tot acest proces a însemnat și un efort financiar, dar a meritat din plin. Am plecat cu un set de skill-uri foarte puternice și utile. Rezultatele s-au văzut imediat și am plecat foarte încrezători și mulțumiți. Abia așteptăm să revenim pentru sesiuni ocazionale de fine-tuning.Recomandăm acești oameni cu mare drag!
Cristina Rotariu: Nadia Gorduza is an expert, in all relationships aspects. During our discussions she always managed to provide a rational perspective, find a key to unlock the main issue and provide advice and tools to solve the problem and move on.
Elena Dragomir: Nadia is a remarkable character judge and an outstanding body language decipher, being able to unearth your darkest traits towards light and gently expose and tame your innermost abysmal daemons.She utterly saved my family, my life, my soul.You will be treated without prejudice and judgmental attitude, but fair and firm.Go there with an open mind and an even more open heart! And if you can’t, go there anyway! Nadia will open them for you.
Neicu Florentina: Am inceput terapia intr un moment in care desi ma luptam de ani buni cu fobia de zbor, crezand ca in cele din urma o pot invinge, nu mai aveam resurse sa reusesc singura.Datorita job ului trebuia sa zbor destul de des, toti colegii mei erau relaxati, eu eram de a dreptul inspaimantata..Incercasem diverse variante. De la a zbura cu cat mai multe escale chiar si pe distante scurte, pentru a fi cat mai putin timp in avion (ingrozitor de obositor), la administrarea de calmante pe baza de plante inaintea zborului..Nu functiona nimic..In momentul in care se declansa atacul de panica iar eu eram in avion, pentru mine incepea calvarul, efectul calmantului administrat la imbarcare era nul..A venit insa momentul in care, datorita job ului trebuia sa ajung la Dublin la o conferinta unde prezenta mea era absolut obligatorie. M am inspaimantat din nou..cum ajung acolo? Un zbor de 4 (PATRU) ore pentru mine era o utopie.. Ultimul meu zbor fusese unul scurt ( in urma cu o luna pana la Atena numai), zbor in timpul caruia am apelat la ajutorul stewardesei pt a trece peste atacul de panica, iar la aterizare, mi am promis ca nu mai pun piciorul in avion..Iata insa ca nici nu mi se stersese din minte acest episod si peste putin timp trebuia sa fiu la Dublin..Eram intr o situatie careia nu reuseam sa i gasesc solutia .S a intamplat ca, intr una din serile din acea perioada , in drum spre casa ascultand Radio France International, sa aud o discutie a carei tema era tratarea fobiei de zbor , iar invitat Dna Dr,. Nadia Gorduza. Am ascultat o cu atentie si mi a inspirat incredere am inteles ca protocolul terapiei era bazat pe terapie virtuala , ceva absolut inovativ si unic in Romania. Am mers la cabinet si am simtit de la inceput ca OMUL Nadia Gorduza nu este numai o fiinta blanda cu voce linistitoare si catifelata, ci este un terapeut complex ( medic si psihoterapeut) care a reusit sa identifice si sa aplice cu succes cea mai eficienta metoda de invingere a fobiei, respectiv terapia virtuala..Nu este un protocol usor, este de fapt o munca de echipa - tu si terapeutul in care fiecare parte trebuie sa munceasca. Este foarte importanta implicarea si seriozitatea cu care iti lucrezi exercitiile atat de respiratie cat si de relaxare, Poate parea o joaca simularea unui zbor, personal am fost foarte curioasa in prima sedinta de virtual , nu stiam daca voi reusi sau nu sa patrund cu totul in virtual. Pe nesmitite insa mi am dat seama ca eram deja acolo cand, ajungand la poarta de imbarcare imi inghetasera genunchii, exact aceeasi senzatie pe care o aveam de fiecare data la imbarcarile reale. De aceasta data insa eram intr un fotoliu, confortabil asezata, intr o incapere superb decorata, cu Nadia alaturi monitorizandu mi pulsul, si traiam aceleasi senzatii ca la poarta de imbarcare reala..Asadar functioneaza ..mai tarziu, cand avionul ruleaza pe pista esti complet in starea de zbor , totul transpune situatia rela ( anunturile pilotilor, turbulentele - toate sunt situatii normale de zbor).Pe scurt, dupa terminatrea integrala a terpaiei , am zburat 4 ore la Dublin, m am intors cu escala la Cluj de unde am luat un alt avion spre Bucuresti (pe timp de furtuna), am aterizat in Buc si i am scris Dnei Dr:‘’Multumesc, Dna, Dr., n a s fi reusit niciodata fara ajutorul Dvs! ‘’Recomand asadar cu multa incredere si va doresc tuturor zboruri placute spre orice detinatie pe care ati dorit sa o vedeti dar n ati reusit din cauza fobiei de zbor !
Catalin Toncea: Drumul de la o fobie extrema la o mare pasiune....Pentru a începe cu începutul și a va oferi datele problemei.... Primul zbor la 14 ani cu Antonov 24, ce s-a constituit intr-o mare bucurie și o frumoasa amintire în ciuda unor turbulente destul de pronuntate... Pana la 31 de ani încă vreo 14-16 zboruri inclusiv transatlantice, toate însoțite de foarte mari emoții ce au evoluat treptat în atacuri majore de panica degenerand pana la urma in renunțarea definitiva (credeam eu :) pe atunci) la avion. Nenumărate bilete cumpărate de-a lungul acestor ani de după instalarea acestei fobii extreme, în ideea ca ma voi mobiliza si voi reuși a depăși singur situația, dar pierdute datorita fricii de a ajunge măcar la aeroport darmite de a mă mai și îmbarca și a decola. Pentru restul de stări aproape nu sunt cuvinte pentru a reuși sa le împărtășesc cât de cât real unui om neatins de acest microb și care nu își poate imagina situatia celor ca mine.In 2018, după 12 ani de pauză de zbor, nenumărate oportunități de călătorie pierdute, atât personale cât si profesionale (cu consecințele de rigoare) dar și de pierdere a oricărei speranțe intr-o posibila soluție, am descoperit Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center si un Om absolut minunat - Nadia Gorduza - care după doar 10 întâlniri nu numai ca a reușit a ma vindeca de marea mea fobie legata de zbor ci mi-a dăruit o noua pasiune care în prezent ma readuce în avion cel puțin odată pe luna. Fara a rosti cuvinte cu care sunteți obisnuiti legate de depășirea limitelor și alte terminologii ieftine din aceasta zona, recomand tuturor a nu ezita a apela la Id Therapy Bespoke Treatment Center caci soluția realmente exista și funcționează iar restul tine doar de fiecare dintre noi.Mărturisesc ca am pășit în cabinet fiind aproape convins ca nu se va schimba nimic și totuși s-a întâmplat...deci iată-ma acum drept dovada vie a ceea ce vi se poate întâmpla și vouă!
RAMONA Trifanescu: Am privit in ochi una dintre cele mai mari temeri si AM INVINS! Multumesc Nadia pentru asta :).Am început terapia in ianuarie 2019, la 30 de ani, cu gândul că am pierdut prea mult din cauza acestei temeri. Recunosc ca, deși voiam sa fac acest pas, nu eram atât de încrezătoare ca o sa pot face asta si ca terapia o sa ma ajute. Mereu imi spuneam ca e virtual, subconștientul mea stie asta si nu ajung sa experimentez senzatiile reale. Dar m-am înșelat, terapia m-a ajutat enorm; subconștientul considera simularea reală.Nu am zburat niciodată până am inceput terapia, nu am avut o experiență traumatizantă, pur si simplu imi era groaza de gândul de a fi in aer, fara niciun control.Cu fiecare sedinta de terapie, totul devenea mai familiar si nivelul anxietatii era minim. Miercuri am avut ultima sesiune de terapie, iar joi testul final :) am zburat ptr prima dată în viata mea, in Timisoara si totul a fost ok. Emotii la plecare, dar gestionabile, am repetat exercițiile de respiratie învățate cu Nadia si totul a fost ok. La sosire (m-am intors in aceeasi zi noaptea) a fost si mai usor, doar usoare emoții.Ii multumesc din suflet Nadiei ptr tot ajutorul si increderea acordata. Acum pot trăi viața asa cum dictez eu 😊Mergeti la terapie, e primul pas spre preluarea controlului asupra propriei vieți!P.S: ma puteti contacta pe facebook daca aveti nevoie de share de experienta. Succes!
Elena Albu: I recommend Dr. Nadia Gorduza!!!! I finally got rid of my airplane phobia... A few months ago it set in after a turbulent flight from America and this virtual therapy in just a few sessions worked wonderfully!! The sessions they were efficient and, of course, with a lot of professionalism and quality services, the final result was reached, i.e. zero anxiety. I am glad from the bottom of my heart that I called on Mrs. Dr. Nadia Gorduza, a special person without whom I would not have succeeded!! Now I I enjoy 10-hour flights without any problem.... Don't hesitate to use this fast and efficient virtual therapy, don't let fear defeat you and keep traveling by plane!!
George Ivan: Therapy against the fear of flying successfully. In addition to the specific working methods, I would also mention the soothing atmosphere that somehow prepares you for the virtual reality therapy session. I highly recommend the therapy with Mrs. Nadia Gorduza.

2. Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism - Sector 1



· 138 reviews

Strada Academiei 18-20, București 010014, Romania

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Ion Mincu University of Architecture and Urbanism: what do users think?
T V: One of the worst higher education institutions in the capital.Mediocre teachers at best, minimal equipment, 0 respect for students and exorbitant prices.
Vio Bo: "After 10PM you are no longer allowed to sit inside" on the benches outside the building-the gentleman with security and protection...
Bogdan Ciocioc: I have never heard of more ignorant professors or more abuse of power than at this college. Congratulations
Stealth Ink: Too bad about those few teachers who are ok... but most of the teachers and the administration... execrable!
Domnul Geograf: There are teachers who forget the notion of time or move the classes as they please. Disappointing to operate on the system "we do what we want with the students, if they don't accept it we fail them" :(
Alexandru Soare: Too much stress on the poor students, I do not recommend!!
Mihai Tudosa: Really artistic
Maria Ion: The place where students are physically and mentally exhausted and not at all encouraged... our young people leave for other countries, why?????
Angheloiu Elena-Denisa: I attended an event held in the Hall of Frescoes. It's an interesting place. There are toilets but they are not very easy to find.
T B: Don't torture your children. 6 years of college + 2 for the signature right to live on a minimum wage in the construction economy
Cosmin Jipa: God forbid!
Catalin Petcu: First year architecture student, a pleasant but exhausting experience, I recommend it for those who are organized and willing to put in the effort, sleepless nights and a lot of work
Eugen Manu: I found a center for copying specific small-scale construction plans, A0 plans; friendly and prompt staff. Reasonable prices. I really didn't know about this copy center. Increase work.
valoare Uriașă (valoareUriașă): They are sequestering me there, help pls
Andrew K: It is very strange that the University of Urbanism is located in a not very attractive building, but in an urban style, but there is not much beauty / grooming here (
Razvan Manea: The quietest classes and teachers.... Children learn, they don't sit in the hallways taking pictures and Instagram like in other faculties....
Mioara Manafu: The best place in Romania to be.
Marioara Gheorghe: I stayed with a friend for a while and you don't really have anything to admire, maybe benches
Oana F: Nice restaurant, make sure you make a reservation before you go.
Andreea Barbu: Maybe a bomb is falling on the school, ladies help
Katha Von: Wanted to go to the museum but got lost and ended up here instead. I was pleasently surprised by an exhibition on the inside and I saw a little cat.When I asked the door man about the museum, he didn't reply, but I assume that was a language problem.I do have to say though that for a faculty it does look rather depressing.

3. Cabinet Individual de Psihologie Anca Maftei - Sector 2

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· 19 reviews

Strada Dimitrie Bolintineanu 5, București 030167, Romania

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4. Clinica Alegria - Sector 4

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· 14 reviews

Strada Turnu Măgurele 240 - 242, București, Romania

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Clinica Alegria: what do users think?
Nico Leta: A pleasant experience, in an extremely welcoming and friendly environment, especially for children.
Viorica Stanciulescu: Hello, we also went to a consultation with Dr. Podaru, we didn't solve anything. And we're wasting our time, that's what the doctor advised us, I think she took us too. It's cool, as if we disturbed her. We have the right and 2 free sessions, but it is not known when, probably never. You are only making fun of people with the attitude and the medical staff you have. Shame on you!!!!!
Mihaela A: Qualified and very sociable staff. A pleasant atmosphere for children.
Andruta Dana: Thank you very much to Ms. Podaru Ioana for the explanations and advice provided!
Martinas Mariana: Hello, you are wonderful people, you are where you need to be, helping many children and teenagers when they need it, you give them your love, support, encouragement, and the goodness of your soul, you are wonderful. Thank you for everything you do for my child as well as the other children and teenagers who are passing through the dm clinic with love dm Martinas
Alexandru Brandus: It is an excellent clinic. The staff is very well trained and organized. The place is very clean and accessible.
Ioana Carabat: I wholeheartedly recommend the Alegria Clinic!Quality services, flexibility, empathy, warm and welcoming atmosphere!❤️
Ad Shagan: I would like to share my experience with childcare services that I received recently. Unfortunately, I was extremely disappointed with the quality of these and can't help but wonder if I made the right choice.First, the child care services we received were poor. The staff seem to have been under trained and lacked the skills to attend to my children's needs. They also didn't pay attention to details which made me feel concerned for my children's safety.Secondly, the prices charged are extremely high, compared to the quality of the services offered. While I understand that childcare can be expensive, I don't think it's justified to pay such a large amount for mediocre service.In addition, the staff appears to be inexperienced in medical treatments. My children received treatments that not only didn't help, but did more harm. I was shocked to find that the staff were unable to provide detailed explanations of the treatments applied.In conclusion, I am very disappointed with the childcare services I have received recently. I do not recommend these services to those looking for quality care for their children, as the prices are high compared to the poor quality of services and the staff seems to be inexperienced and untrained to provide quality treatments.
Kxk6r “Kxk6r” Kxk6r: I recommend with all my heart!
ViP Plus One: Very clean! Staff was very nice! Dr. Podaru was very profesional, smart, patient and pleasant to deal with. Thank you for a great experience!
Andreea V.: Grade 20 for Dr. Ioana Dobrin! From the first meeting she created a connection through which she makes me participate with pleasure in the weekly meetings with her! Both me and the child.The beautiful experience starts when you walk into the clinic and meet the girls at the reception, continues with the welcoming and warm offices and ends with the feeling of relaxation and release that I have at the end of the session.I recommend from the bottom of my heart!
Muscalu Raluca: Super ok. recommend
Ana-Maria Matei: I'm glad I chose the Alegria clinic! I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Amarasteau and psychotherapist Ioana Dobrin. I felt their warmth, empathy, desire to help me, they listened to my fears with patience and understanding and I managed to find myself with them. Thank you!
Marilena Mihalache: We were very satisfied with the services provided by the Alegria clinic.I recommend it with confidence!
Dedu Florin: A real clinic in the true sense of the word
Daniel Stoica: I was with our little girl for an acute problem of insomnia that could not be postponed. I left as I came. I gave 270 RON for nothing. The attitude of Dr. Podaru left a lot to be desired. The total lack of empathy, things said carelessly, what more harmed the girl's already too sensitive psyche. A little psychology and a change in attitude wouldn't hurt.
Cecilia Diaconescu: Very good doctors and therapists, very welcoming clinic. I am pleasantly impressed. Bravo! Keep it up! I recommend.
Marian Georgian: A great location. Proper staff! Very good doctors!It helped me a lot!
H M: Dedicated staff and the most important thing is the confidence that all the staff instill in you! I warmly recommend the clinic.
Luminita Ion Vilciu: Clinica Alegria meets the needs of its patients, young and old, with impeccable medical services, offered by its team of doctors and therapists.
Ivan Ecobici Elena Iuliana: Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the psychologist Mariana Demeter, a man with a lot of dedication in the profession he professes, a true professional with a lot of patience and devotion, a great lover of children, very attentive and patient with them. The clinic has a welcoming air as you enter its threshold and the ladies at the reception are very responsive! Grade A!
Related inquiries Private university:

5. Hyperion University - Sector 2

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· 145 reviews

Calea Călărași 169, București 030615, Romania

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Hyperion University: what do users think?
Andrei Voicu: Doamnele de la secretariat mereu puse pe cearta și deranjate când sunt puse sa se ridice de pe scaun și sa lase TikTokul.
Diana Ionescu Dilmac: Nota 10 ptr doamnele de la secretariat cât și pentru grupul de profesori formidabil, sunt anul 2 psihologie și chiar nu am ce să reproșez momentan!
Klara Formol: ok
Cătălin Mihai Popa: For them, ID means the distance between the student and the chair.
Ovidiu Bandean: Ugly breed of staff at the secretariat
Ovidiu Boureanu: A School for mind, soul and spirit! Excellent professors!
iulia vasile: I participated in some events within the University, one of which was at Fac. right. It is something disgusting, only rotten, retrograde, corrupt, ignorant people, who "educate" others, hold conferences and give honors to each other. Nothing professional inside, approach like: we don't accept questions or criticisms from the public, it seriously damages the completely false 'images' we build, because the reality is very far away. I don't know how people register and lose their money there. Only if they learn on their own do they have a chance not to waste time. 🙁
Roxana Mititelu: Great atmosphere! Nice people!
Spank: The ladies at the secretariat have an extraordinary sense of humor and are quick to answer your questions. The university's website is not updated and you have no way of knowing whether you have entered or not because you neither receive mail nor can you see it on a list.
Georgiana-Daniela Pisau: They have only one girls bathroom, no paper, no doors that close.. They don't have their own parking lot..
cristeaandm: The young university with various specializations!
Alexa SecretLife: They have a different schedule on their website than the one on the door. The people working at the secretariat are very rude.
Daria Chiran: ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!!! The ladies from the secretariat are bored and very ignorant. They weren't able to make any IDs/carnets until March considering that they had to be ready from St. of October I don't even talk about teachers anymore, I tell you the classes when they want and for how long they want. Extremely bad organization, the common sense to notify you when something changes to the program never existed, etc.
Andreea Chiruta: The building has no parking spaces. The elevator is not functional during the pandemic. All appreciation for the classroom provided to the NGO free of charge for the training of new volunteers
Ana-Maria (Mimi): I enrolled in "Hyperion College" in 2019. It was supposed to be 1 year and a half courses, three semesters. I only did 1. Not because of the pandemic, but because his college was closed. I managed to pay in full for two semesters, but I didn't get my money back for the lost months. There were supposed to be online courses in lockdown, but they weren't. The secretaries, after I had paid for the first semester, came to me to tell me that I was not in the database and I had to show them the receipt as proof that I had paid. I don't know what the college is like here, but the College sucks.
vlad leu: Academic level education
Ony Oneata: Very satisfied with this university!
maria damian: Modern building. The secretariat provides you with the requested information with skill!
H: . Ca program de învățământ,nici nu se compară! La Poli stăteam de dimineața până seara de îmi trecea oboseala, neliniștea și frustrarea os prin os pentru seminarii,laboratoare, cursuri, s.a.m.d. la peste 10 materii pe semestru, aici doar sâmbăta între două și patru ore,în total patru materii la fiecare semestru. Mult mai puțină aglomerație cu colegii agasanți din sală,doar 10-12 în loc de peste 40 la Politehnică. Parfum! S-a simțit ca un refugiu universitar util! Secretara s-a comportat foarte frumos cu noi toți,nu ne-a creat neplăceri in nici un fel. Am avut parte de o aplicație de teren a studenților și masteranzilor geografi de patru zile,atent planificată de profesori, în Mai 2018. A fost o experiență dificilă pentru mine dar inedită. Îi mulțumesc profesoarei Toma Elena pentru convingere, comunicare eficientă și încurajare cu itinerariul educativ. De când s-a instalat izolarea Covid în 2020,mi-am amintit de acele patru zile de deplasare continuă în locuri noi și frumoase. Nu am simțit decât bucurie și mulțumire în suflet,nici urmă de regret sau panică! S-a meritat efortul! Recomand să treceți și pe aici,doritori de master!(Translated by Google
Mario Mario: You can find the most arrogant and ill-educated people at the law faculty secretariat.
subwayne: good morning, do you have pie today?

6. National University of Physical Education and Sport - Sector 1

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National University of Physical Education and Sport: what do users think?
Nicu: Nice place! 👍
nelu florin lampo: Minunat
Corneliu florin Anghel: Am participat. la REVOLUȚIE în 1989
Dorel Belceanu: Super
Marian Balaceanu: Ok
G. A.: First week at this college and I like it. I really recommend it if you like sports and would like to become a P.E. teacher, a coach, a sport manager or a kinetoterapist.
Doina Croitoru: Alma Mater forever
Toni: .(Translated by Google
Iancu Vasile Bogdan: Modern sports base, dedicated teachers
Goe Florin Bistriceanu: I've known the location since 1961.
Mathew Bates: A Car with the plate GR ** MAI is parked right on the bus station for more than 30 min. And even a police car went by and they didn't do anything.
U.N.known Official: 🙏 10 out of 10!!! 🙏
Lucian Andrei Bădăluță: Nice, I'll come again next year!😂
Lelia Scurtu: It was a pleasant evening and goodbye with dear people.
Adrian Glăvan: A star for every bitter day of the week
Adrian Ludosan: Parking 5 lei
SlowDeath2003: Super beautiful and clean UNEFS!
Daniel Daniel: It was ok, but not great
Florentin Vasilescu: Pe departe cea mai buna Institutie de profil din tara !
Cristian Ciupercovici: Recomand cu incredere, profesori profesionisti si dedicati!
Cohanciuc Lucian: Another elite unit of the Romanian school, impressive architecture, worthy of more attention

7. Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University - Sector 4

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· 173 reviews

Splaiul Unirii 176, București, Romania

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Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University: what do users think?
Cristian Y: Hmm...
Amir Dardari: Serious faculty!
Sebastian Diaconu: I graduated from the master's degree program - Business Management in Tourism and Commerce at UCDC Cluj Napoca in 2014.Very good teachers.I recommend.
Tahmina Akter: They are fraud and cheater. Me and my husband wants to take admission to this university. My husband have applied for 2022-2023 September semester bachelor admission with €100 application fee. But in July 2022 University write in their website that they are not going to organize admission process for 2022-2023. My question is, if they don't want to organise admission process why they advertise that they are going to take admission for 2022-2023. Now my husband lose his €220 due to change their mind. They totally fraud. Don't apply for admission in this university with €220. Its their business to get the money. When thousand of students apply for admission with €100. They collect the money then they close the admission process without notice. They don't reply your email, if reply it could be month later. Where my refund money????
Dragos Grigore: It's raining badly outside, you have nothing to see, this is winter in Bucharest...
Marius Rotaru: Perfect!
ALEX: A gang full of incompetents.
Gheorghe Laurentiu: Japcari only, 1500 euro license fee
CrawHar: I would give 0/5 stars if I could! Jeguri...that's all I can call them. I feel sorry for some teachers who are really ok... . Instead of coming to this college, you better go strawberry picking. Even there you are treated nicer! For a year I kept asking about what documents I need, what I have to bring, and what the specialized practice consists of, I even asked what the period was... and the smart people informed us a day before it started of this "specialty practice". Before announcing, I was told "I don't know! Don't talk to me!". And not just me! What's more, to be honest, the week that was full of colloquiums was also the week for specialized practice. These people want you to be in two places... and let's not talk about the fees... they are ripping you off with crazy money and they hardly show any interest in coming to class. And they are the ones who comment if you were absent even once. What more can I say about the non-existent materials... even though they only appear by name, you will be very lucky if you are given a book with exercises from the fall of 1900, where even the Romanian is the old one with "sint" instead of "are", "pre" instead of "on" and so on. Great learning people!
Cioară official: College mess, zero interest, zero knowledge and they even increased the fee to 1500 fixed when I entered year 3. Even the bathrooms don't all work and they want 1500 euros for my children to die
A.C. Popovici: The teachers are ok, the building is so-so, the library doesn't even have courses for many specializations, grades are posted after months, if you're lucky, but expect the fee to double from one semester to the next, so the year this.
Adrianus: The worst college. Don't come here, only jepcari, Only for money to take you, they are not good for anything else. Grade 0🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Simona Gheorghe: Do you want college mocha?
Nae Roxana: Fees are high!
vasile cilighidrian: I was surprised to learn that in order to pick up the 2017 license, I was asked for a 250 lei filing fee...
Md Hasan: They are fraud and cheater. My brother wants to take admission to this university. My brother have applied for 2022-2023 September semester bachelor admission with €100 application fee. But in July 2022 University write in their website that they are not going to organize admission process for 2022-2023. My question is, if they don't want to organise admission process why they advertise that they are going to take admission for 2022-2023. Now my brother lose his €100 due to change their mind. They totally fraud. Don't apply for admission in this university with €100. Its their business to get the money. When thousand of students apply for admission with €100. They collect the money then they close the admission process without notice. They don't reply your email, if reply it could be month later.
Wotah: It's going well, teachers who have been arrested
Ömer Doğan: This is not a university, it's a place of business.He doesn't learn anything. But he also asks for the money for a certificate. When you give the thesis, ask for the money. As I said it is a place of business as well. Don't waste your money and time...
Nisha Diss: worst university did not give letter of acceptance . also did not refund tuition fees
Sherzad Saeed: The university has put the number in order to complete the information fields not to respond people who are willing to call , don’t try to call this university because it’s wasting time , I have tried to call them several times and many days there were no any respond, I hope this message can be seen by the rector if he can do something in order to solve this problem with the person in charge .
Cosmin Grigore: What a disorganized university. I don't know how the other faculties are organized, but at Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures it's a disaster, they never have the information on time, they give you the planning of the exams from one week to the next and to top it off I found out at 2 in the morning that the next day we have to give a colloquium at a subject that I did not do, namely sport.But don't forget that what is important is the payment of the tax and the arrears.

8. Titu Maiorescu University - Sector 4

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22 Strada Dâmbovnicului Tineretului, București 040441, Romania

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9. Success Academy Romania - Sector 2

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· 11 reviews

Strada Caimatei 1, București 021055, Romania

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10. New Europe College - Sector 2

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· 3 reviews

Strada Plantelor Nr. 21, București 023971, Romania

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11. Accenture - Sector 6

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· 236 reviews

Strada Preciziei 24, București 062204, Romania

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